• We work by appointments only.
  • We send reminder to patients on their given mobile number on the day of appointment mentioning the appointment time via message/whatsapp.
  • In case if you want to cancel the appointment we request you to please inform well in advance so that the slot can be utilised by some other patient.
  • We have a huge range of treatment options for each patient that we explain to them in detail along with the treatment fees so that patients can make an informed decision and choose the one that suits them as per their need, want and budget.
  • We maintain high levels of cleanliness/hygiene and sanitisation in clinic and request you to co-operate with us for the same
  • Please do not ask for credits and discounts. We charge reasonable fees based on the procedure and its complexity.
  • We offer free consultation and 20% discount on treatment to Doctors and to our relatives/family members.
  • If you have any query related to your dental treatment, feel free to send a whatsapp message on 9322911268. We assure you that your query would be answered on the same day if not immediately.
  • In case of any emergency, please call on 9322911268 or on alternate number 9987398710.
  • It may be necessary to change/add to the planned procedures due to some additional factors which may be found during the treatment but were not having any obvious or conclusive presence during examination & initial treatment plan formulation.
  • We don’t offer any written guarantee on any of the treatment but after evaluation of failure of treatment, if we find the deficiency in service from our side, we would definitely correct it if medically rectifiable without charging any extra amount.
  • We expect you to cooperate fully with our instructions and recommendations as failure to do so may result in less than optimum results and compromise life span of treatment.
  • Please understand that every case is individual and unique as no two cases might be same.
  • If you want us to work well, please understand that there are bills to be paid, materials to be ordered from our end, so compliance with payment is essential to make your treatment go on smoothly.
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