Kids Dentistry

Kids Dentistry

Pediatric Dental Care: Preserving Precious Smiles

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 A child’s smile is a treasure, and it deserves exceptional care from the very beginning. 

  • Why should the milk teeth be preserved when they are going to anyway fall? Parents usually ask us this question.

Here is the answer for the same:

Milk teeth, or baby teeth, are critical for a child’s development and well-being. They serve several essential functions, including:

  1. Speech Development: Milk teeth aid in proper speech articulation.
  1. Nutrition and Digestion: They help children chew food effectively, promoting good digestion.
  1. Space Maintenance: Milk teeth hold space for permanent teeth, preventing alignment issues.
  1. Self-Esteem: A healthy smile boosts a child’s self-confidence and social interactions.
  1. Oral Health Foundation: They teach good oral hygiene habits and reduce dental problems.
  1. Alignment: Milk teeth guide the proper eruption of permanent teeth.
  1. Psychological Well-being: Preserving them ensures a pain-free and positive dental experience.
  1. Functional Development: They are crucial for biting, chewing, and jaw development.
  1. Educational Impact: Dental issues can lead to school absences, affecting education.
  1. Preventing Complications: Timely care prevents infections and more severe health problems.

In essence, preserving milk teeth is vital for a child’s holistic development and long-term dental health. Our approach to Pediatric dentistry involves a combination of preventive and restorative treatments, all aimed at ensuring your child’s oral health and happiness.

  • What is the material used for treating cavities in milk teeth?
  1. Fluoride-Releasing Wonder: Small to moderately deep cavities in milk teeth are expertly restored most commonly using a remarkable material called Glass Ionomer Cement. This fluoride-releasing semi-permanent filling not only repairs the tooth but also fortifies it against future decay.
  2. Composite Magic: For a seamless, natural-looking restoration, in some cases, we offer composite restorations. These restorations blend seamlessly with the tooth, preserving the aesthetics of your child’s smile.
  • Why Root canal treatment in milk teeth?

Understanding the Need for RCT in Milk Teeth:

  1. Deep Cavities: When a cavity in a milk tooth extends deep into the pulp chamber (the innermost part of the tooth containing nerves and blood vessels), it can cause severe pain and infection.
  2. Preservation: Preserving a milk tooth is crucial to maintain proper spacing for permanent teeth, prevent misalignment, and support healthy jaw development.
  3. Pain Relief: RCT in milk teeth alleviates pain and discomfort caused by dental infections, improving a child’s quality of life.

 The Root Canal Procedure for Milk Teeth:

  1.     Diagnosis: We begin by assessing the extent of tooth decay through clinical examination and dental imaging (X-rays).
  2. Local Anesthesia: A local anesthetic is administered to ensure the child’s comfort during the procedure.
  3. Isolation: The tooth is isolated using cotton rolls or a rubber dam to keep it clean and dry.
  4. Cleaning and Shaping: Then the decay is cleaned and access is gained in inner layer of tooth (pulp chamber), all infected tissue is removed and then we thoroughly clean and shape the root canals.
  5. Filling: After cleaning, the canals are filled with a biocompatible material, typically a special dental cement, to seal the tooth’s interior.
  6. Restoration: A crown (usually stainless steel or zirconia) is placed over the treated milk tooth to provide strength and protect it from further damage.
  • Are there any solutions to help the child stop the habits such as thumb-sucking, mouth-breathing etc.?

Yes. We understand that habits like thumb-sucking, mouth-breathing, and tongue-thrusting can impact a child’s oral health and development. Our mission is not just to treat dental issues but to empower the child with the tools to break these habits and embrace a healthier future smile.

Our Habit-Breaking Solutions: At Divine Smiles, we provide effective habit-breaking solutions tailored to a child’s unique needs. Our goal is to create a positive and supportive environment for children to overcome these habits:

  1.   Customized Habit-Breaking Appliances: We design specialized habit-breaking appliances that are comfortable and non-invasive. These appliances gently discourage habits like thumb-sucking and tongue thrusting.
  2.   Education and Support: We believe in educating both parents and children about the importance of breaking these habits. We provide guidance on positive reinforcement techniques and strategies to motivate the child throughout the process.
  3.   Monitoring and Progress: We closely monitor the child’s progress, making necessary adjustments to the habit-breaking appliance as they make positive changes. We celebrate their milestones and offer encouragement every step of the way.
  4.   Empowerment: Our approach focuses on empowering children to take control of their oral health. We want them to understand why breaking these habits is essential and how it contributes to a beautiful and functional smile.

 At Divine Smiles, we understand that every child is unique, and their dental needs can vary. For particularly challenging cases, such as apprehensive or uncooperative children, or complex dental situations, we have the expertise of Pedodontist Dr. Nithi Rajadhyaksha, who specializes in delivering special care and attention to ensure the comfort and well-being of a child throughout their dental journey.

We are passionate about creating positive dental experiences for children. We believe in nurturing healthy smiles that will last a lifetime. A child’s dental health is our top priority, and we are here to make their dental visits a joyful and stress-free experience. Let Divine Smiles be your partner in ensuring your child’s dental health and preserving their precious smiles. Contact us today to schedule an appointment or for any questions you may have.


At Divine Smiles Dental Clinic, we believe in nurturing healthy smiles from an early age. That’s why, every year from 10th to 20th November, we host a special Children’s week celebration dedicated to children aged 2 to 15 years. Our aim is to make dental care an enjoyable and informative experience for kids, fostering a lifetime of excellent oral health habits.


  • Promoting Oral Hygiene with Fun and Knowledge

Our Children’s Day celebration is a unique event designed to promote good oral hygiene habits in a fun and engaging way. The day begins with complimentary dental check-ups for all the young participants, ensuring that their teeth are on the right track for a lifetime of healthy smiles.

Following the dental check-up, we host an interactive briefing session specifically tailored to kids. Through age-appropriate and easy-to-understand explanations, our dental team educates children about the importance of oral hygiene maintenance. We use friendly language and engaging visuals to make the learning experience both informative and enjoyable.

  • Creating Positive Dental Experiences

We understand that a visit to the dentist can sometimes be intimidating for children. Our Children’s Day celebration is designed to change that perception. By creating a welcoming and enjoyable environment, we aim to build a positive rapport between our dental team and the young ones. Our goal is to ensure that children are never afraid of visiting the dentist and that they associate dental care with a fun and friendly experience.

  • Fun-Filled Activities

Our event isn’t just about dental check-ups and knowledge sharing. It’s a day filled with excitement and entertainment! We organize a range of games, activities, and surprises to keep the kids engaged and delighted. Every child leaves with not only a brighter smile but also cherished memories.

  • Early Dental Check-ups for Preventive Care

One of the core objectives of our Children’s Day celebration is to raise awareness about the importance of early dental check-ups. Early visits to the dentist can help identify and address potential dental issues before they become major problems. Preventive dental care can save children from discomfort and parents from costly treatments in the future.

Our Children’s Day celebration is just one of the ways we show our dedication to promoting healthy smiles from an early age. We invite you to join us in this annual event and take the first step towards a lifetime of confident and healthy smiles for your child.

Book Your Spot

Mark your calendar around 14th of November and secure your child’s spot at our Children’s Day celebration. Contact us today to reserve your spot and give your child the gift of a lifetime of healthy smiles.

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