Partial Bonded Restorations (Ceramic Onlays)

Partial Bonded Restorations (Ceramic Onlays)

Ceramic onlays, also known as partial bonded restorations, are like mini-works of art for your teeth. They are custom-made pieces crafted from high-quality ceramic materials to repair and protect damaged or weakened teeth.

  • Indications for Ceramic Onlays:

Ceramic onlays are highly versatile and are indicated for various dental concerns, including:

  1.   Large Fillings: When a tooth has a large cavity or extensive decay, ceramic onlays can provide a more substantial and durable restoration than traditional fillings.
  2.   Fractured Teeth: Teeth with minor to moderate fractures or cracks can benefit from the added strength and support provided by ceramic onlays.
  3.   Weak or Worn Teeth: Teeth weakened by wear, erosion, or grinding can be reinforced and protected with ceramic onlays, preventing further damage.
  4. Protection of tooth after Root canal treatment: Following Root canal treatment, Ceramic onlays are a more conservative choice as compared to crowns. They require less removal of natural tooth structure, preserving as much as possible.
  • Benefits of Ceramic onlays:
  1. Aesthetic Marvels: These onlays are designed to mimic the natural look of your teeth. They blend in seamlessly, so nobody will even know they are there.
  2.   Preservation Pros: Unlike traditional fillings and full coverage crowns that require the removal of healthy tooth structure, ceramic onlays allow to preserve as much of your natural tooth as possible.
  3.   Durability and Strength: Ceramic onlays are incredibly durable and strong, helping to reinforce and protect your tooth from further damage.
  4.   Stain Resistance: These onlays are highly resistant to staining, ensuring your smile remains bright and vibrant.
  • The Ceramic Onlay Procedure:
  • Evaluation: The case is evaluated if it is indicated for a ceramic onlay.
  1. Tooth Preparation: A minimal amount of your tooth’s surface is removed to make room for the onlay.
  2. Impressions: Your dentist will take precise digital or physical impressions of your prepared tooth to create a custom-fit onlay in dental laboratory.
  3. Temporary Onlay: While your permanent onlay is being crafted, you may receive a temporary one to protect your tooth.
  4. Bonding: Once your onlay is ready, we ensure if it fits perfectly and bond it to your tooth with special adhesives. Any necessary adjustments are made for a flawless finish.
  • Caring for Your Ceramic Onlay:

Practice good oral hygiene with regular brushing and flossing.

Avoid chewing on very sticky and hard objects or using your teeth as tools.

Keep up with dental check-ups to ensure the longevity of your onlay and your overall oral health.

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