Tooth Coloured Composite Fillings

Tooth Coloured Composite Fillings

Tooth-Colored Fillings/Composite Restorations: Your Smile’s Best Friend!

What are Composite Restorations?

Composite restorations, also known as tooth-colored fillings, are a revolutionary dental solution used to treat dental cavities. Unlike traditional silver amalgam fillings, composite restorations blend seamlessly with your natural teeth, making them a popular choice for both cosmetic and restorative dental work.

Why Choose Tooth-Colored Fillings?

In the past, silver amalgam fillings were commonly used. However, they came with significant drawbacks, including mercury toxicity concerns, unsightly blackish discoloration of teeth, and other issues. Thankfully, advancements in dental technology have brought us tooth-colored composite fillings, which have entirely replaced silver fillings.

Here's why you should choose them:

  1. Natural Appearance: Composite fillings mimic the natural color and translucency of your teeth, ensuring that your smile looks beautiful and authentic. No more noticeable dark spots when you laugh or talk!
  2. Mercury-Free: Unlike silver amalgam fillings, composite restorations are mercury-free and pose no toxicity concerns.
  3. Minimally Invasive: Composite fillings require less removal of healthy tooth structure compared to amalgam fillings, preserving your tooth’s strength and integrity.
  4. Bonding Strength: Composite fillings bond directly to the tooth, providing additional support and helping to prevent fractures and cracks.
  5. Versatility: Composite material is highly versatile and can be used for various dental procedures, including filling cavities, repairing chipped teeth, and even improving the appearance of teeth.

The Composite Restoration Process: It involves following 3 steps:

Step 1 : Tooth Preparation

The affected tooth is carefully cleaned and prepared for the composite filling.

The affected tooth is carefully cleaned and prepared for the composite filling. The tooth of interest along with a few adjacent teeth are isolated using rubber dam. Rubber dam isolation is like a stretchy sheet that we use to cover teeth when we work on them. It keeps teeth dry and clean by isolating them from saliva and tongue, making dental procedures easier and more precise.

Step 2 : Etch, bond & Layering

A precise protocol is followed using chemicals on the prepared tooth to receive composite resin which is applied in layers. Each layer is cured (hardened) with a special blue light. This process ensures a durable and long-lasting result.

etch and bond

Etch and bond

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Layering with composite

Step 3: Shaping and Polishing

The composite is sculpted to match the natural contours of your tooth and polished to a smooth finish, ensuring a seamless blend with your smile.

After finishing and polishing

Composite restorations not only address dental cavities but also enhance the overall aesthetics of your smile. With tooth-colored fillings, you can laugh, speak, and eat confidently, knowing that your dental work is virtually invisible to others. Have a look in our smile gallery for the magic of composites to enhance smiles.

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Abrasion cavities restored with Composite fillings

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